Fret not my dear friends with "cozy" apartments, holiday decorating is for you too! This easy-to-make eucalyptus wreath is perfect for adding a chic, festive touch to a small space, without all the hassle of all those pine needles.

Here's what you'll need:
- 12 inch diameter embroidery hoop
- 2-3 Stalks of eucalyptus
- Flowers of your choosing, I chose white freesias for their malleable stem
- 3-5 Rubber bands or wire ties

Step 1
Make sure the top of your embroidery hoop is well secured at the top. Hold both open ends together as tightly as you can before screwing in the top. This will create a solid foundation for your wreath.

Step 2
With the metal screw at the top, arrange the eucalyptus leaves around one side of the hoop so that the bottom of the first stem begins somewhere around the midpoint of the hoop, opposite the screw. Continue by layering each piece of eucalyptus as you see fit. I decided to go for a modern, asymmetrical look but feel free to use your imagination and arrange the leaves how you like them.

Step 3
Secure the arrangement using rubber bands or wire ties around the hoop. I left the long stems of the eucalyptus leaves wrapped around the hoop to create a rustic affect but you can also trim them for a cleaner look.
And Voila! A little holiday cheer that smells like a spa too!